Minggu, 15 Januari 2012

New Culture..

I have experienced with my neighbors, because I live in the environment of International School so there are many foreigners around me. I have a neighbor, besides my house. They are Mr. Collin, Mrs. Retno and Elicia is the daughter, they are English. When they lived there, there is no many differences of culture because Mr. Collin married with Indonesian women. They do the activities just like usual, because the wife has taught about Indonesian culture to Mr. Collin and the daughter. Eating rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but sometimes with bread or another western meal. Mr. Collin loves hygiene, so he asked the housekeepers to clean the house three times everyday. An English man is a hard worker, always on time, discipline. Mr. Collin taught his daughter to respect the others, especially the members of the family (Nanny, housekeeper, etc), for example when a Fasting day the daughter wanted to play all day long with the Nanny, but the Nanny is a Moslem and has fasting, so Mr. Collin asked his daughter not to played and allow the Nanny to take a rest until the time of Break the fasting. That is the new culture, I mean the foreigner culture that adopted Indonesian culture, and because they live in Indonesia they try to learnt the culture of Indonesia, try to speak Indonesian.

Another neighbor is Mr. Kirk’s family; they are Mr. Kirk, Mrs. Laura, Semmes and Gram is the son, they come from Montana, as an American they eat Bread and sometimes eat rice. I met them when Idul fitri, Gram through in front of my house and I we introduced ourselves, and immediately he and his family came to my house and brought cake as a introduction cake ^^, the things that surprised for them that Indonesian people are friendly, share food and serves drink, they love it.
They always open the window, although it’s night. They said that they love the fresh air, the night’s air, wow really different with us! And wherever they go, no matter the distance whether it’s near or far they still use helmet and another safety, which I know the kids love to hanging when they use public transportation.

25 komentar:

  1. nice story...
    I wish that someday I have an opportunity to live with foreigners like you anis...
    learn about their livestyle and habbit.....
    I love their discipline, hard work, and they are really open minded...

  2. Wow... So grateful that lives around the foreign people... They can adapt our culture well so we should give applause to them...hehehe....=)

  3. Nice your story
    your are lucky, cos you can know about they family. And i hope like you. i hope i Can related English People.
    ONE question from me. whether the family can speak Indonesian?? Thank You

    1. ESp[ecially for the English family??
      the Mom (wife) is Indonesian, so she habituate the daughter to speak in indonesian and fluent to have a conversation in Indonesian,, because the Daughter always with the Nanny, so it is a must to speak in Indonesian..
      and Mr. Collin, he understand Indonesian, but it's hard to speak Indonesian....

      # still learning..

  4. it's great to meet many people from another country, so we can learn a lot from them.. especially how to speaking english in a right way...:-P

    1. yaa.. benar sekali
      mereka kadang membenarkan apa maksud kita..
      yaa samalah kalau mereka agak kesusahan. kita juga begitu..

      take and give Lah yaa..

  5. a good neighbor hehe.
    we can learn from the habits of foreigners.
    but we must also be able to choose which one suits our personality or our culture.
    Because not all habit of foreigners is appropriate with our culture.
    there is nothing wrong we can learn something good for us.
    very nice to have foreigner neighbor,
    maybe one day we can be invited holiday in their country ... hehe

  6. thank you friends,
    that is one of my luck having that kind of neighbors,
    yaaaaaaa.. U can visit my home, and U can see/ meet foreigners :)

    1. I will...
      lucky you Sist,,,
      you can improve your English also there...=)

    2. ya,, but they want to speak in Indonesian,,
      they want to improve their Indonesian, and I just speak in English as well as I know,
      we are still studying another language,,
      that is Fun,,
      know the meaning but it is hard to say..
      ya,, maklum lah Amateur..

  7. Eeeehmmzz, nice post kawan,,,
    Probably someday you can exchange with them to be foreigner in their country.. :)

    1. hahhaa.. Hopefully
      or,, being the Wife of a foreigner :D

  8. ehmm,,,, nice experience..... if I've new neighbor same with you,,,maybe i'll often try and learn anything with their.. hihihii....

    1. yaa.. but they always busy with their own activities,,
      it is hard to meet them anytime,,
      just when they through in front of my house :)

  9. what a nice experience Friend, i should visit ur home hehehehehe

    1. welcome to my home

      **kalo mau ketawa, ada bule yg suka nyanyi sepanjang jalan..

  10. ummmmmm.... i think its very interesting have the neighbour from abroad.... nice nice...

    1. that's true Made Unyu unYu..
      it's great to have that kind of neighbor..
      maybe, You can come to my home and have a friend with them..
      apa mau cari Gebetan?? Anak2 Senior Hi School nya :-D

  11. is your neighbour are crazy? why the bule singing in the way?

    1. ya.. there are many kinds of person,,
      ya Like us, sometimes we are singing on a way..
      just like that,,
      when he's singing and I said "nyanyi nii yee" from my home the he stopped his singing,, hahhahaa

      that's FUNNY....
      makanya ada istilah BugiL,, buLe giLa :D ya begitulah ..

  12. waow...owesome... Anishe... your article very nice ^_^
    apik tenan tulisanmu tambah pinter tenan saiki...sip sip

    1. matur thankyuu..
      apik tho yaa, sinau ok yaa..

      thanks for the great comment !!

  13. ihir....new neightbour new experience ...Anis sometime you must give them traditional food from Indonesia..so that they would love indonesia like us :)

  14. Tina, I served them Idul Fitri snacks and syrup :-D
    but, another foreigner ever tasted another Indonesian food when came to Wedding and Tirakatann..
    They love the togetherness *kebersamaan* dan keramahtamahan warga :D

    1. culture to be meaningful, as the process of cultural transformation toward the consolidation of national life
