Minggu, 26 Februari 2012


Racism is the belief that inherent different traits in human racial groups justify discrimination. 

Racism involves the belief in racial differences, which acts as a justification for non-equal treatment (which some regard as "discrimination") of members of that race.
As a 'social disease' would have to look for 'drugs social' to overcome them. And end to the practice of racism structural racism conducted by the state may be triggered to overcome behavior of individual racism and eradicate racism ideological. So the bill the eradication of racial and ethnic discrimination that are currently being discussed in Parliament appears to be a need for enactment into law.

In the riot of May 1998, ethnic Chinese were targeted for killings, their houses and shops were burned. Whoever was responsible, ethnic Chinese is certain that the many riots targeting throughout 1998 were part of the systematic racism that has been part of the nation for a long time.

Rabu, 22 Februari 2012


Day by day, there are changes in our world. Also the changes of media, and we know that every years or even every day, a new kind of media occurs, or we know that as a technology, or gadget.
Gadget always changes just in a few time, and it effect our youth generation to “try” that new gadget, so does the technology capable of creating a new media where there is a wide range of media influence is on the development of the younger generation. We could not stop the changes that occur  at this time,
In this era of globalization there is a lot of growing media influence today, especially in the technology. We all know that once the booming communications media is the phone.
Just for example, that now a smart phone is an important thing, and in fact they didn’t know yet the real function of that smart phone. Young generations use that, and many of them just want to follow the trend just for prestige. Even many elementary school students have used that smart phone, in a reality a elementary school students not this time to use that smart phone, it’s not really important for them, but this has become a phenomenon and the parents which has an important role to oversee the use of that smart phone.

Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

Ethnocentrism Vs Cultural Relativism..

My 4th post is about Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism that discussed in the lecturer  last week.
First of all.. I'd like to tell you what is ethnocentrism..

Ethnocentrism is the tendency to see the world only through their own cultural perspective. or the tendency to view one's own culture as the best and to judge that the belief and the behavior of culturally different by one's own standards,.., or Simply it means that "mine" is the best, "yours" are worst (0.o)?.. Based on this definition of ethnocentrism is not always negative, as generally understood. Ethnocentrism in certain cases also a positive thing. Unlike the general assumption that ethnocentrism is something that is merely bad, ethnocentrism is also something that is functional because it encourages the group in the struggle to find the power and wealth...

for example,, as a Javanese,, especially orang Jogja or Solo which is in the environment of Keraton.. we have to eating by sitting,, we should not eat on a way, we have to sit when we're eating.,,
and if we find people from another place, with a different culture who eating on a way,, immediately we will say "not polite, or something bad to judge them"! if we said that,, it means we have a rigid ethnocentrism. But if we say "that's how he/ she learned to do it" means that maybe we have a flexible ethnocentrism.

The principle Cultural relativism is that an individual human's beliefs and activities make sense in terms of his or her own culture.
Cultural relativism leads to ethnocentric behavior.

Cultural relativism is a similar concept. Using the same examples, Canadians see towing away as wrong, Americans do not. Western society sees female circumcision as wrong, traditional African cultures do not. Your sister commits adultery. In America, we scold her. In Yemen, she is killed. All cultural relativism. What is murder and mutilation here is correct behavior there..

that is what I understand about our last material,, and what about you??


Senin, 06 Februari 2012

CHIT 'n' CHAT with kiRRiLLy (",)v

An open dialogue with foreigners was held on February 1st 2012, there are 3 Australians. I decided to join with the woman, her name is Kirrilly from Canberra Aussie. She has been studying Indonesian in Salatiga for a month or something.. I forgot (0.o)? She has been studying her Indonesian since Junior High School.
She said that many Australians study Indonesian, Japanese and Spanish. Because of the location of Aussie and Indonesia are nearby so many Australians study Indonesian and they love to visit Indonesia, especially in Bali because there are many beaches and Aussie has no beach.
Aussie is a modern country, the original inhabitant is Aborigine. That’s why Australian has no traditional dance and food, sometimes they take it from Aborigine who has this (traditional dance and food).
          In a public school there is no school fee in Aussie, everything is free. Just very strict rules which implemented in that school. In primary school the are only 6-7 subjects of school, they have 3 month of holiday a year.
          She shared her culture shock when she came in Indonesia, she lived in Blotongan nearby a Mosque and when the early Morning Prayer she shocked that she heard a voice like asking for help, and then she know that is Adzan Subuh from a Mosque, at first she cannot sleep because of that sound but not anymore.
          There are another differences between Indonesia and Aussie. In Indonesia, we can stop a bus everywhere but in Aussie we have to stop in a bus stop. She amazed when she visited a traditional market in Salatiga because it is dirty and has a bad smell, different with Australian traditional market, they have a nice place for sale and purchase, and of course in an air-conditioned because in Australia is hotter than Indonesia.
            Her Indonesian favorite food is Rendang, which is hot and spicy and she said that her friend who doesn’t like something spicy can cry because of this kind of  food.

How wonderful Indonesia, so many foreigners love to come Indonesia.
==Let’s say “I am proud to be IndONEsian”==