Kamis, 19 Januari 2012


Simply, we know that stereotype is an image or idea of a particular type of person or thing that has become fixed through being widely held. Stereotyping is an opinion or prejudices about people from certain groups, in which the opinion is based only that these people are included in that particular group. Stereotyping can be both positive and negative, stereotypes are rarely accurate, usually only have a few basic right, or even completely fabricated now.
At that time, I will tell you about Batak stereotypes. Why do Batak people, especially for the men are rough, tough, don’t respect others  and often (usually) confident because that character is generally arise / emanate Batak cultural roots who lives hard and taught to never give up in any situation that faced. It is mostly men who made ​​the Batak were resilient in all the problems and issues faced. Broadly speaking, the man had hereditary nature of the implanted should be a winner from each other.
Basically all men are same. What distinguishes a successful man is between one and another is strong determination & struggle facing difficult situations in his life, because successful people in any aspect of this world are the winners of the brave and willing to face this difficult life, because of the Batak people (generally) most like assertiveness and confidence in the opinions & choices in everything including reflected through said words. So rare that the Batak people he spoke with smooth and gentle. Culturally too, the physical conditions in North Sumatra, the Batak people live in the area of mountains and valleys around Lake Toba, so accustomed to speaking in a loud voice, loud and clear.
Batak people often underestimate people because he believes he's better than anyone else. If the people who often consider themselves to stay ahead because the Batak people usually have very high self-esteem, as a form of culture and heritage, so it has always wanted to be in the forefront of every person. This is the positive characteristic of the Batak people in general.
            Therefore, not all the Batak people are like that stereotype there are many of them are gentle like Javanese, and not all the Javanese ate gentle maybe there are many of Javanese are rough. That is just from the culture or the habit that commonly taught by a family and according to the environment in which we live. I have proved that, because around me there are many Batak people, and not all of them are rough, tough or rude. That is just the brave characters of Batak people, so don’t judge something or someone immediately before know the truth or find the reality from the people that concerned.

17 komentar:

  1. ayeeeeee......it`s good story nizz.your story like my opinion, but in my village I have neighbor that is Batak people.they always speak louder with the other people.It like sound of lighning.wkwkwk......!!!!

    1. hehhe,, at first I have the opinion that all Batak people are something like what I've told..
      I have a neighbor named Pah Mirwan, nut he isn't rough or something, but he is gentle.. maybe because his wife is Javanese :)
      but he still has the accent that shows he is a Batak people..

      => yaa,, Many Batak people have a big and loud voice..

  2. yeah, that's why many of them occupied as a lawyer wkwkwkwkwk, such as hotman paris hutapea, ruhut sitompul etc

    1. "The community or the environment will affect one's self. Then the Batak people who have many associate with heterogeneous society, emotions are also more controlled.

  3. ehm,,of course, Batak peoples different with Javanese... they always speak louder with other people.. sedangkan javanese always speak slowly and smoothly but not all, just little bit maybe... :-)

  4. if you ask me, it's hard Batak people, great leader, look assertive, stubborn, felt himself the greatest. I wrote it just stereotypes.
    actually i also have had the experience of close girl friends Batak time in Jakarta ... hehehe, it turns out the Batak's cool, good-hearted, fun, funny, adorable and understanding. . . wah so relived again deh hehehe

  5. yeah,,,not all of batak people is hard,
    the characteristic of people can build from their environment, their culture and their habit...
    maybe for us that is strange but we must know that is unique.

  6. Nice post Guys...
    Stereotype pada orang Batak ini semakin diperkuat dengan slogan-slogan yang mungkin benar dan mungkin juga salah, seperti slogan " Kalau orang Batak tak bisa teriak, Metromini di Jakarta tak laku lah Bang" hehee, :)

    1. bah apapula itu hhahaha
      pernah dadi kenek metromini to om ?? hahah

  7. @all = thanks guys for the comments
    yaa.. not all of Batak's is something like what other people know before, not all of them are rough, tough, etc..
    because every place has a different characteristics and that's why it called as a stereotypes..

  8. hahahah
    keren-keran orang batak dan orang jawa memang berbeda tapi semua itu kebiasaan. :D

  9. Good2,,,,,,,
    Ngga' smwa orng Btak tu kras Sob ,,,,,
    tu slah stu Mr. Stand up Comedy ,,,, "Mongol" asli orng Btak ,,,,,but mlambai jga n orng'y jga fine2 aje ,,,,,,,

    K'iget pa kta Dsen BK tdi sore ,,,,
    yg konon crita'y ud jenk2 mpe k Batak brcrita bhwa
    Slah satu Marga di Komunitas Btak jga terknal dngan tutur kta dan tindkannya yg lmah lembut ,,,,,,,
    hehehhehe ...........

  10. good story friend...Indonesia memang kaya budaya...

  11. all the people was repaired ... now how do we behave just as all people

  12. hahaha dari pada cuma melihat dari kebiasaan dan kebudayaan mending kita mengenal secara langsung orang batak...

  13. hmmm... bataknese is nice i think... because i have friend who are from that tribe...

  14. i hate Bataknese ..they are loud,harsh,nuisance,discourteous,don't know manner, like orangutan come from jungle. though i am living now Medan since 2010.Girls are dirty and ugly.big asses,small breasts.
    i have lots of friends from many regions entire Sumatra.
    I saw how Javanese are polite,gentle,and silent.

    15 Juni 2012 15:54
