this is my new posting..
I will tell you the community that I would like to join..
I joined the Radio Community, actually
this is not just the fans or just people who listen to the channel of this
radio, but this is the place to share
something that we want to shared. And, this is not just for Young people, there
are old people that join this community, just
in different type of music..
The reason why I joined this community,
because I love to listen to a music, and
I can find a new song by listening to this radio.. we can have more friends by
joining this community.
I know this community from my friend, he
was a DJ of this radio.. then he asked me to join to this community because it’s
not just a station radio.. but we can held social things..
this Saturday, will be held a KOKAS (Komunitas Kamera Apa Saja) it’s
free for everyone who wants to know more about photography using Mobile Phone
camera, digital camera or another camera..
is located in jalan osamaliki 29, central java 50713, salatiga.
If you want to join to this community,
you can come the the office or sign in first as a Zenither in 085540006100, or
you can add the Facebook.

BalasHapusI also love music and i think very enjoy n fun to join in that community
Zenith.. adalah salah satu stasiun radio favorit saya di Salatiga...!! :)
BalasHapusSudah bergabung jadi anggotanya lewat SMS?
interesting community I also like the community it's because I like music too without music life feels empty
BalasHapusya..Music is part of our live..
BalasHapuswe can join this community by sign in first by Send a message..
wow... music is a universal language for all.. KoKas? wow..not only music but also the others topics..??
BalasHapusi love music, it express about everything